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China uncovers 2.2 billion yuan of medical insurance funds violating regulations

BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) — Chinese authorities announced that they have uncovered over 2.2 billion yuan (about 313.83 million U.S. dollars) of medical insurance funds suspected of violating relevant regulations this year.
During a press conference held on Friday, the National Healthcare Security Administration disclosed that it had conducted surprise inspections on more than 500 designated medical institutions participating in the medical insurance scheme. These inspections covered all provincial-level regions and were carried out in 2024.
Yan Qinghui, deputy head of the administration, revealed that 111 designated medical institutions were found to have engaged in insurance fraud during these special inspections.
Yan stated that authorities recovered up to 13.66 billion yuan of misused medical insurance funds from January to August this year.
Furthermore, China is actively focusing on enhancing systematic and comprehensive supervision. It is continuously innovating its supervision methods to establish and enhance a long-term mechanism for the supervision of medical insurance funds, Yan added. ■
